Monday, August 03, 2009

The Plan

Of a forgotten year, there's a memory I recall
Of a few bright stars in the school's felicitation hall,
I scuffled for space in the corner of an aisle
To cheer for Maria as she picked her prize with a smile.

I asked Maria out but she didn't care two pence,
Seek friends among equals, she said with insolence.
An injured ego and a broken heart then drew a plan:
'Tomorrow I'll be something, for I know that I can'.

In the name of inspiration, arose evasion tactics,
When I stacked heroic biographies and motivational flicks,
And in the dead of the night, a rendezvous with my dreams
Would assure me that success is as easy as it seems.

Days run into years, and years into a decade,
A hundred resolves broken, a thousand others made,
I still sneak out the paper that contains the old plan,
Saying 'Tomorrow I'll be something, for I know that I can'.

Life moves in a rut, resolves get difficult to keep,
I try dreaming big, but simply drift into sleep.
Tomorrow I'll be something, and I know that I can,
But defining the 'something' is the next part of my plan.


JeDi said...

Very nicely written !!

Sagi said...


Hiral said...

hohoho....something that so aptly describes my state of mind right now dude....m all chargedup - all raring to go- energy inside me throbbing infinite - but still 'something' remains to be defined!!

Chirag Saraswati said...

Good stuff mate

Mishree said...
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Unknown said...

Sometimes we figure the out the 'something'..but the execution of the plan has to wait forever. Guess, then the 'something' was never well defined! A good poem, though.