Thursday, June 26, 2014


It has been the kind of day that keeps you on your toes even as the world thinks you have a lot of time to kill. News came in that I am expected to be on the move once again. Another city, another house, the same, familiar restlessness.
Well, to be honest, I am being crabby. Because I had been waiting for this move for eons. But that's the problem of being made to wait too long. You get used to not getting what you had been longing for, and just when you make peace with what you have got, you are taken by surprise.
I love surprises, as long as they make me comfortable. All the time. Know what is really uncomfortable? Packing. The average time I take to pack my bags, as many as there might be, is ten minutes. The average time I spend worrying that I have left an important valuable or two behind ranges from anything between a week and a year. Most often, my worries are not unfounded.
There is immense pain in realizing you have let go of a valuable - which, sometimes, can be a little trinket. For example, the two wristbands I won at the mock awards night of my college farewell. I had treasured them for years, and later lost them just as effortlessly while shifting houses.
I hope I can be a little more careful tonight. Because as I grow older, I am getting increasingly more sensitive about latching on to every association of a more youthful past.

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